How to pick stocks whose prices have recently dropped and are undervalued?

The most popular bottom fishing strategy is value investing but traders also use technical analysis to identify oversold stocks that may be winning bottom fishing possibilities.
Bottom fishing as an investment strategy refers to the situation when investors are looking for securities whose prices have lately dropped. Also, that are assets considered undervalued.
Bottom fishing as an investment strategy means that investors are buying low-cost shares but they must have prospects of recovery. This strategy also refers to investing in stocks or other securities that dropped due to the overall market decline. But they are not randomly picked stocks, they have to be able to make a profit in the future. Well, it is general hope.
Buy low, sell high
We are sure you have had to hear about the old market saying “buy low, sell high” as the most pragmatic and most profitable strategy in the stock market. But, also, it isn’t as easy as many like to say. You have to take into consideration several things while implementing bottom fishing as an investing strategy. Firstly, you’ll be faced with some traders claiming that it is an insignificant strategy. The reason behind their opinion is if you are buying the stocks that are bottoming you do that near its lowest value.
The point is that almost every stock is a losing one. Usually, some momentum traders and trend followers will support this opinion. Where are they finding confirmation for this? Well, traders tend to sell to breakeven after they have been keeping a losing stock for a short time. They want to cut losses and that’s why they are selling, to take their money back and buy some other stock. Traders are moving on.
Overhead resistance will affect the way a stock trades but it is expected when using this strategy. Moreover, overhead resistance isn’t as inflexible as some investors believe.
Bottom fishing is an investment strategy that suggests finding bargains among low-priced stocks in the hope of making a profit later.
What to think about while creating this strategy
The most important thing is to know that you are not buying the stock just because it is low-cost. Lower than ever. The point is to recognize the stocks that have the best possibility for continued upsides.
Keep in mind that buying at the absolute low isn’t always the best time to do so. Your strategy has to be to buy stocks that have a chance of continued movement. Stock price change may occur on the news or a technical advancement like a higher high. A new all-time low can cause a sharp bounce if traders assume the selling is overdone. But it is different from bottom fishing. Bottom fishing as an investment strategy has to take you to bigger returns.
Not all low-cost stocks are good opportunities.
Some are low with reason, simply they are bad players. For example, some stock might look good at first glance but you noticed one small problem. Don’t buy! When there is one problem it is more likely that stock has numerous hidden problems. There is no guarantee that low stock will not drop further.
Further, for bottom fishing strategy, you will need more time to spend than it is the case with position trading, for example. You have to be patient with this strategy. You are buying a weak stock, and they became weak due to the lack of investors’ interest. Do you know when they will be interested again? Of course, you cannot know that nor anyone else can. When you want to use a bottom fishing as an investment strategy you must be patient and have a time frame of months, often years to see the stock is bouncing back
If you aren’t psychologically ready to stay with these trades for a long time you shouldn’t start them at all.
The bottom fishing strategy requires discipline
If you want to practice bottom fishing as an investment strategy you will need discipline. It requires extra effort. It isn’t easy for some aggressive traders to hold a stock for months and without any action. We know some of them that made a great mistake by cutting such stock just because they were bored. If you notice you are sitting in stocks that are dropping lower on the small volume you still can exit the position. The losses might add up quickly, so you’ll need to set a strong stop loss to avoid it. Even if you hold a stock paid $1. It can produce big losses over time if you don’t have at least basic risk management. Stop-loss and exit points are very important in this strategy.
The two main types of bottom fishing
There is the overreaction and the value. For example, the news of some company’s problems may cause a lot of traders eager to enter for a sharp recovery. The stock suddenly had a sharp decline but they may think the market overreacted and the stock will bounce quickly. That could be faulty thinking but what if the long-term bottom fishers start to buy that stock too? The company’s problems are temporary and as times go by, could be forgotten.
The point is that the bottom fishing on the news or even earnings is a good opportunity to trade a bit of volatility. But you have to be an aggressive trader and able to play the big fluctuations. These short term trades can easily become investments if you don’t pay attention to it. Before you enter the position you must have a solid trading plan with defined entry point, stop-loss, and exit point. Optimize your strategy before you jump in. There is one tricky part with cheap stocks – they can become cheaper.
The essence of bottom fishing as an investment strategy
Bottom fishing is when you try to find the bottom of a stock that has a higher price. Let’s say a stock was at $200 and now it is at $20. When you try to bottom the fish stock you’re actually trying to catch its bottom and buy it and provide it to go to the upside. In simple words, you want to get a good deal, to obtain the lowest possible price or bargain on the stock. But, if you want a good bottom fishing you must understand how it works. There are too many fresh traders starting bottom fishing but ending up with stock lower or never getting out from that low level. They are spending years stacking in bad investments. Also, their money becomes locked in such bad investments.
A real-life example
Nowadays, we have a big selloff in the stock market. It is a great opportunity to buy some stocks that were very expensive since they are much lower now. A high priced stock has the drawback. Everyone would like to buy but have insufficient capital. That’s why the trading volume of such stock can be small. And suddenly due to some unfortunate event, the price is going down. Buying these stocks is a very good opportunity because they have the chance to go back up to the top. But it is hard to catch the bottom for these stocks. So many investors push up the price in the hope to get out at a higher price.
Are they right or wrong? It is obvious they’ll have to sell these stocks when they start to come back up to reduce their losses. That is the main disadvantage of bottom fishing if you don’t do it accurately.
Bottom line
If you want a proper approach to the bottom fishing, you’ll have to watch for higher highs and higher lows. When you notice in the chart that a trend line is moving up off of a bounce you’ll see the real bottom. Well, you might not catch it at the lowest point, but you’ll catch it in a range of 5% or 10% which is a good deal for long-term investment. That can be a good strategy for investors willing to hold a stock for several years.
For example, the stock price had a sharp decline and fell from $300 to $100 per share over three days. You could determine it was due to market conditions. So, you are buying 10 shares for $1.000. Next week, the price returned to $300 per share. What are you going to do? Sell, of course. You can sell the share of stock that you purchased for $1.000 at $3.000 (10 shares at $300 each) and make a profit of $2.000. Really not bad.
Bottom fishing as an investment strategy is attractive for boosting portfolio value. Also, it is good for fast making profit while the volatility in the market is present. But, keep in mind, it can be risky because you can’t be 100% sure how the stock or market will go, how the price will run as a result of investors’ behavior, or how the particular company will survive the problems in the global economy.