If you don’t begin investing, you will never have that chance to earn

You don’t believe it’s possible? Well, you should read this post.
By Guy Avtalyon
Ok, you have an extra $100 each month and you are enthusiastic about investing but you don’t how it works? Also, you are worried if $100 is enough? Investing with just $100 per month is possible, of course.
You don’t need thousands of dollars or euros or whatever to become an investor and get into investment. Traders-Paradise found several possibilities for investing with just $100 per month.
Reasonably, you will not make a ton of profit off a $100 investment, but the crucial thing is really getting started. $100 may not appear important, but you can make it expand into more.
This is where it gets a bit more difficult.
One of the hugest problems with investing a small sum is that brokerage fees can be expensive. For example, if you want to buy some stock that can cost you up to $20 with some brokerage and your investment easilly may become $80 worth. Yes, there is a simpler way and cheaper brokerage.
There is one way that will cost you less. Just use some investment app. Most of them will charge you a $1 per month fee. The great thing about investment apps is that you can easily pick the simple portfolios related to your goals, interests, and ideas about investing.
The app will do the rest.
Honestly, when it comes to investing, time is more significant than the sum. Let’s say you are in your 18s. With an interest rate of 7%, you could end with almost $50,000 after 20 years by investing with just $100 per month.
It’s never too start investing, but why should you waste your time and miss the opportunity to get the wealth.
Savings account
The best place for you to start with $100 per month is to set it in a savings account. That will be more an emergency fund than investing with current interest rates. But it will provide you to get into more serious investments because you will build a safety net. You will not capture great returns but you will be safe even if you lose your current job. At least by putting $100 every month on your savings account you will have several months of breath if such an incident appears.
Hold it as the source to something bigger. Wise investing can turn your $100 into a great future and you have to begin around.
The time frame will make an immense variance in how you should invest. So, suppose you want to invest in stocks.
Stock investing with just $100 per month
If you have $100 that you’re able to load every month, you should think to invest in individual stocks. I already mentioned that will cost you 20% of your investment and you may think it is too expensive. But think again. The misconception is that you need a lot of money to be able to invest in a stock. Investing with just $100 per month is quite good for the start.
Let’s debunk the theories.
For beginners, if you’re ready to do your homework and buy around amid brokers, you will find a great potential. For instance, you can find a broker with bare-bones $5 commission and without minimum deposit terms. What you have to think about is that low-cost brokers may charge you some additional costs, for example, inactivity fees or additional costs connected with buying stocks trading below $2 per share.
But, if you buy individual stocks you are entering the long run. Yes, it is possible to find a good stock for investing with just $100 if you have a long investment horizon. You will hold your stock for years. If you trade them you will pay 10% commission for every buying or selling, that’s true. If you don’t like to pay commissions every month you can make savings of $300 or $400 and buy stocks every 3 or 4 months, you don’t need to buy stocks every month. In this way, you can lessen your cumulative commission charges.
Certificates Of Deposit or CD
Of course, there is an alternative to investing in stocks. You can invest in CDs. This simple way. All you have to do is to loan your money to the bank and collect the interest on it. CDs range in time from 3 months to 10 years. The point is, the longer you invest, the higher interest you will catch.
Moreover, the CD is penalty-free. That gives you the possibility to withdraw your money if you want and without penalty. But read everything you have to sign, some CDs have penalties. Some banks can charge you if you withdraw your money before the maturity of the contract.
Another solution for your investing with just $100 per month is peer-to-peer (P2P) loans.
The cool thing with this type of investment is that you can decide not only how much you want to invest but also, how your investment will be used. You may choose one particular investment from the different loans, also, you can determine an interest rate and loan period. As an investor, you will get your money back according to repayment plans.
Index funds are a good choice for investing with just $100 per month
Some companies don’t have a minimum balance requirement for index funds. So you can invest $100 in a class of stocks. The primary index fund tracks the S&P 500, but you can find numerous other. Index funds are good because they give the diversification of your investment portfolio. Some stocks will rise in value, some will drop, but the final result is that you will profit.
What do you want wit that $100? Do you want to improve your current financial situation, or maybe you want your capital to grow? You have to figure out that.
If your finances are in good health, then there is no excuse to delay investing.
Start building your wealth. Don’t worry if you have just $100. It is enough to start, it will turn into more! But if you don’t begin investing, you will never have that chance to earn. The day when you will think how smart you were when invested $100 is so close. So, simply start investing with just $100 per month.