For investors, company valuation is a crucial part of determining the potential return on investment. Start by looking at the value of the company’s assets. One of the most confusing questions for all beginners in…

For investors, company valuation is a crucial part of determining the potential return on investment. Start by looking at the value of the company’s assets. One of the most confusing questions for all beginners in…
In options trading, the underlying asset can be stocks, commodities, futures, index, currencies. The option of stock gives the right to buy or sell the stock at a definite price and specified date. By Guy…
The global uncertainty due to the coronavirus outbreak forces investors to a smart allocation. Avoid companies with high debt, stay focused on the sustainability of earnings. By Guy Avtalyon How to survive the market downturn?…
Don’t base the success of your investment portfolio on returns alone. Use these three sets of measurement tools to calculate portfolio performance. The main goal to calculate portfolio performance is to measure the value created…