The possibilities of 5G network are enormous and in our interest

The development of a 5G network will give us the ability to communicate faster. It will provide us the control of large numbers of devices at the same time.
5G network can support large networks of low-power scanners able to send and receive data and it is a good opportunity for investors
By Guy Avtalyon
In the past few years, the development of a 5G network is in focus. For starters, don’t equate 5G with smartphones. 5G is much more than only higher-quality streaming and faster downloads on your mobiles. To quote Robert J. Topol, Intel’s general manager of 5G development: “5G will be the post-smartphone era” pointing that mobiles will be the first place for launching due to their strong presence in our lives.
And prevalent understanding of 5G has to be changed since the possibilities are enormous. Much bigger than we can imagine right now. For example, 5G lower latencies and jitter produces almost lack of any lag.
But, let’s say a few words about the 5G data network.
5G could easily open the potential of many other advanced technologies.
Due to the ability to share information in real-time, 5G will let a surgeon in London operate on a patient in Peru using wireless robotics with almost zero lag.
Moreover, some technologies and apps unimaginable until now may soon be our reality.
Speaking about mobiles, who was able to predict 25 years ago that we will have Bluetooth handsets or wi-fi coverage with the gigabit-speed internet? Okay, you are the smartest one! Thank you.
And what about AR glasses and VR headsets?
Tech companies are convinced that these devices will finally replace our smartphones. With 5G, that could really occur with no doubts.
5G’s extreme speed and functionality could lead to a new age of technological and entrepreneurial development. Forbes wrote that self-driving cars “won’t work until we have 5G”.
And do you know what is an extremely important part of this?
Experts are expecting that 22 million jobs could be created for improving existing infrastructure to the 5G standard.
5Gs speed is up to 20 gigabits per second. That is more than 20 times faster than 4G’s limit.5G networks can support global connectivity for almost any industry.
5G could make driverless cars effective and practical. We will have cars with 5G connections in a few years, directly interacting with other cars, traffic lights and we will know where open parking places or traffic congestions are.
5G networks can support global connectivity for almost any industry.
Can you imagine the future schools when implementing 5G? Can you recognize all the possibilities for the rising quality of learning? There will be no need to rely on textbooks. Instead, the kids will have real life in the classroom, virtual and augmented reality experience.
Of course, this isn’t going to happen overnight. But you can be sure that the main changes will happen in the next several years.
The 5G network is created to provide a signal for a far larger number of devices, at the same time, than a conventional cellular network can. 5G network can provide control of various devices, whether it’s a communicator or a refrigerator.
Moreover, it is created for managing and controlling the tools and machines needed in businesses. For example, agriculture equipment, ATMs, or some other device like a sensor for compost. In essence, they are low-power scanners that are able to operate on the same battery for almost 10 years and to send and receive data.
And, sorry but you can’t just pick up 5G with your current smartphone. 5G technology needs a special set of antennas to communicate in specific radio-signal bands. You will need to buy a new one.
5G is here. More and more countries come online and more 5G devices are available, and not just in the luxury high-end segments. Find one for you.
We’ll start to recognize the full potential of 5G very soon. And forget about the fear-mongering of alleged health hazards due to high-frequency radio waves. The Wi-Fi uses 5GHz band, and is perfectly safe, so why wouldn’t 5G also be safe while operating on similar frequencies. And it is a good investment too.