How can you create your own forex strategy?
update: 2/1/22

Almost everyone can set up the rules but stick with them when things go bad means that you have confidence in your forex strategy.
Yes, the question of how to create a forex strategy is maybe the most tricky part for all you would like to know more about forex trading before entering the forex market.
The main goal of finding how to create a forex strategy is to choose the one which will provide you the protection against the losing trades but give you a chance to have more winning ones. Otherwise, you’ll lose your money invested in the forex market.
You can achieve this thanks to a proven forex strategy.
To know how to create a forex strategy you have to follow some rules. Well, it’s maybe better to call them steps. By using this set of rules you’ll be able to create any forex trading strategy, from the simplest one to the most complex.
The main problem for the majority of forex traders is that they rely on some strategy that isn’t well tested. That leads them to great losses and failure. Even if you spend hours, days searching the internet, it may happen you’ll not find any suitable for you.
The only solution is to learn how to create a forex strategy that can meet your goals.
Knowing what rules to follow
As we said, there are some rules you have to follow when you start to create a forex strategy. But firstly, we have to highlight one thing. It doesn’t require too much time to come up with a forex strategy, but it does take time and effort to test it. As you can see, you have to be patient with that because it can benefit you. If you create a forex strategy and test it extensively and you see it works for you, it could lead you to earn potentially a lot of money.
Rule No 1
The first rule is that you have to know what kind of forex trader you want to be. Do you want to be a day or swing trader? So, knowing the time frame is the first rule when you start to create a forex strategy.
How to do that, how can you know what kind of trader you want to be?
From the very beginning, you have to decide if you would prefer to look at charts every day, week, month or maybe every year. Also, the time frame rule will answer you about how long you would like to hold on to the positions. So, you have to define which time frame you want to use to trade. It’s true that you will look at various time frames, but this particular one will be your main time frame and the trade signal will come from there.
Rule No 2
The next rule is to detect indicators that will help you to identify a new trend. One of the main goals in forex trading is to recognize trends earliest possible. For that, you’ll need indicators.
For example, the moving average is one of them. As we learned from elite traders and according to our experience, the best way is to use two indicators. It is quite simple. Just use one fast and one slow. All you have to do is to wait until the fast indicator crosses under or above the slow indicator. This is a so-called crossover. Moving average crossover is the simplest and fastest way to notice a new trend. There are many other indicators but this one is more comfortable to use and the easiest one.
But be careful, the last thing you’ll need is to pick a fake trend so you’ll need a confirmation of the trend. For that, you have to use some other indicators. For example, RSI, MACD or Stochastic. It’s up to you to find the one that suits you the best but it will come after you gain more experience in forex trading.
Rule No 3
You have to know your risk tolerance. Before you implement any trading strategy or develop your rules, it is very important to define how much risk you want to take in each trade. In other words, how much money you can afford to lose per trade. However, no one would like to talk about losing trades, but it is crucial for everyone to consider potential losses much before you imagine how big your winning trade can be. So, you’ll have to learn about risk management. Risk tolerance is individual and differs from trader to trader.
Rule No 4
You have to know when to enter and exit the trade, so entry and exit points are extremely important. After you define how much money you are ready to lose per trade, it is time to figure out where to enter and exit the trade to get profit. Basically, you enter the trade as soon as your indicators provide you a sure signal. Some traders enter the trade before the candle in their charts is closed, some will enter when it is closed. It’s up to you and your trading style, meaning are you an aggressive trader or not.
What really matters is to stick to your practices. After all, you are the one who developed it.
Create a forex strategy on your own
When you are looking to create a forex trading strategy, you would like to know how to do that and how to develop trust in the strategy you created. Your forex trading strategy MUST give you a strongly rooted belief that you can trade it and profit. Otherwise, you’ll fail.
So, before you use it, you’ll have to test it.
Before you even start to create a forex strategy you must have some presumptions. You’ll need a feeling that it might work for you. Yes, it will be a struggle but once when things get going you’ll be unbelievably satisfied.
Frankly, creating a forex strategy isn’t an easy job. You’ll have to define what exactly you need. This is extremely important because you’ll need to test your strategy precisely. That means you’ll need to know both entries and exits. But it is a small part of creating a forex strategy.
What should you know before starting to create a forex strategy?
Here are some questions that you may follow to find the answers and when you have done it, you’ll see that you have your strategy. Maybe not all fall into creating a strategy but they will surely help you a lot to create a forex strategy.
First, you have to decide on which currency pairs you can trade your strategy.
So, make a market selection.
The other question you should ask and find out the answer is will your strategy work on different market conditions. For example, is it useful in trending markets, high volatile markets, bull or bear markets?
Also, as we mentioned above, the entry time frame is important. Ask yourself which time frame to use to enter the trade. Would you prefer a lower time frame to entry or high time frame for trend direction? What circumstances have to be met to enter a trade? When it comes to exits you have to figure out do you want to use a fixed take profit level or profit level based on average true range. That is a technical indicator invented to read market volatility.
The decision of which chart setup you’ll use can be of great importance.
The type of chart, what indicators to include, which settings for the indicators, etc.
Further, you’ll have to choose a position sizing strategy. That means you’ll have to decide will you use a percentage-based position sizing. Maybe you would like to increase your position size periodically. Will you use some fixed lot or contract sizes?
Also, just to repeat, define your risk tolerance and money management. You have to determine the risk-reward ratio you want to get. Will you use a trailing stop-loss? Which one: based on percentages, volatility-based, fixed pips values or ticks values? Will you use stop-loss orders and how will you move them?
Do you plan to enter various correlated currency pairs at once? How will you hedge your position? By using inversely correlated pairs or something else? Are you planning to monitor your trades constantly? Would you hold your trades over the weekends?
Maybe the last but for sure not the least, do you follow the news and how frequent?
If you want to create a forex strategy, you’ll need the answers to all these questions. So, take your time.
The next step is backtesting. To get accurate information about how good your strategy is you have to follow your strategy, never change the rules while testing or your data will not be accurate. For testing use a representative sample of your trades based on the questions above. Examine how your strategy is working in different market conditions for different currency pairs.
And you’ll be able to trade for real after you have done all of this. But keep in mind that live trading with real money can differ from your tests because the real money is involved.
Bottom line
So, you started to create a forex strategy. Is it simple? Of course, it isn’t for good reason. But you must have the confidence to trade your strategy and to incorporate it into your trading plan.
Traders-Paradise recommends starting with the smallest lot size your picked platform permits. If it shows the profitability you may keep using your forex trading strategy. Later, you can increase your position size. The strategy you created should work in the long run.
If you prefer to trade stock patterns we are recommending to learn it more from the “Two Fold Formula” book and. Also to test it with a virtual trading system.