Best apps that help you manage your money

Best money apps for 2019Traders-Paradise presents you the best money apps that we examined, and use.

By Guy Avtalyon

Today everyone is looking for the best money apps. That’s a great help in money management. The principle is the same as before, everything else is nuance. Also, the development of advanced technologies is a great help. We all remember how our parents did that. They didn’t have an app to manage their money, they had to do all alone. Several envelopes “loan” “electricity” “heat” “phone” etc. were usually on the table with slips filled.  

The pile of bills and a checkbook on one side, envelopes on the other. And a notebook where they wrote everything they spent. As the envelopes became fatter, the bunch of bills would become tiny.

Today it is completely different. We have apps for almost everything. Also, we have automated payments. So, it is easy to track all payments and where our money goes. So, we can know our net worth in a second.

Traders Paradise came across numerous reviews to find the best money apps. Of course, our personal experiences were valuable too.  

So, here are some of the best money apps we estimated. All available to download for Android and iOS, which was the very first criteria. The second criterion was a free download.

Mint is a free money app. It comes from Intuit (the creator of TurboTax and QuickBooks). Mint provides you to set up and link all your accounts and cards into one place.

The app automatically classifies banking and credit card transactions and its Trends feature provides you to track your credit cards, spending, cash, net worth. Also, you are able to set your financial goals or payment reminder, bill reminder, or receive suggestions on how to reduce fees and save some money. Mint will signal you when you are going over your stated budget.
Mint has over  20 million users.

The app will automatically classify banking and credit card transactions and there is a Trends feature that allows you to track credit cards, cash, spending, income, and net worth over time, along with the ability to set up financial goals.

This app is available for iPhone or iPad, as well as  Android and Windows devices.


Goodbudget is previously known as Easy Envelope Budget Aid or EEBA. You can download the free app on iOS and Android devices from the App Store and Google Play store.

This is an automated version of the old envelopes. The idea is to split up your money into digital “envelopes” based on your wants or needs. You can pick from pre-labeled envelopes or design your own.

Start by adding your income and listing a financial “account” like a checking account or savings account, credit card, or cash.
Customize your envelopes.

You should log to your Goodbudget every time you send or receive the money,  allocate some amount to each of your envelopes. For example, you allocated $200 per month to your hygiene. Every time you bought something from that kind of supplies you should click “add a transaction”, insert the store name, and the value you spent. That value will be taken out of a certain envelope. And you will see how much you can spend on hygiene more.

You can pick one of two Goodbudget offered plans. A free plan and a paid Plus plan that costs $5 per month or $45 per year. The envelope’s balance is colored: green means you have money to spend, red means you have gone over the budget.

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This isn’t only a money budgeting app. This app is the best if you have a lot of subscriptions or memberships and you wanted to cancel them. Trim helps you save on all subscriptions you don’t apply that are still cost you money.

This app employs your credit card and bank transactions to warn you of forgotten subscriptions. Trim will load only the transactions linked to subscriptions. Then you will receive a text message with all your subscriptions so you can cancel them if you want.

Trim is a truly assistant. It can send your certified letter telling you aren’t coming to some event. There is no need for phone calls. Also, Trim will negotiate your cable or Internet bill down for you.

It operates with Comcast, Time Warner, Charter, or any other provider.


With MoneyStrands you’ll get prompt access to your account balances, transactions, budgets, saving goals, and more.
All you need to win smart financial decisions today. Moreover, you don’t need to link it with your bank accounts. There is a possibility to do that but it isn’t necessary.
Millennials like it very much. And you have a calendar. Well, it is easier to see when your bills are expected if you have a calendar in front of you. You can set goals and track how much you’ve saved.

This app suits those who need a good money app but don’t like to link bank accounts. When you plan your money you can see where your money goes and save more. You can observe your spending for some time and then rearrange the budget if it is necessary. Also, you can secure your payments on time and never go over the limit on credit card fees.

These money apps are very helpful, especially if you never update your budgeting skills. We recommend you best money apps from our own experience.

Don’t waste your money!

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